Case Studies

Enhancing Digital Signage

HighFlyer's open source contributions to Frappe Marketplace

Low Code
Open Source
Enhancing Digital Signage

Key Outcomes


Open Source


Desinged for Single Board Computers (SBC)


At HighFlyer, accelerating the pace of quality software development remains a top priority. Utilising the open-source, low-code web framework Frappe, with its robust architecture and rich ecosystem, has significantly enhanced our efficiency. The framework's support for rapid development using pre-built modules and ease of customisation has been instrumental in producing ready-to-deploy solutions across various business scenarios.

The Inspiration

Our journey with the Frappe framework began with a project that was not initially developed using Frappe but sparked the idea for further exploration. This project involved creating a digital signage display application for a client, which, although successful, highlighted areas where development could be streamlined. Inspired by this experience, we aimed to contribute to the Frappe community by developing a similar application for the Frappe Marketplace.

The Challenge

The proposed digital signage display application needed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal setup time and catering to users without prior experience with the Frappe framework. It was essential that the application offered extensive customisation options and differentiated access for guests and logged-in users. The main challenge was to create this application without getting bogged down in the complexities of base feature development such as database management, user authentication, and access control.

Solution Overview

Leveraging Frappe Framework

Choosing Frappe as the development platform allowed us to bypass the initial hurdles of setting up foundational features. Frappe inherently supports:

  • Database Management: Seamless handling of database operations without manual setup.
  • User Authentication and Access Control: Built-in functionalities that simplify user management and secure access.
  • Custom Form Building: Capability to handle complex data types and use the platform as a Content Management System (CMS), which was particularly useful for designing customizable signages.

Application Development

The development process focused solely on the unique aspects of the Digital Signage Display application, leveraging Frappe's capabilities to enhance productivity and reduce time-to-market. The application allows for easy creation and customization of digital signages, catering to a wide range of business needs.


The Digital Signage Display app is now available on the Frappe Marketplace, offering a versatile solution for users looking to implement digital signage effortlessly. This case study exemplifies how HighFlyer leverages innovative tools like the Frappe framework to streamline software development, demonstrating our commitment to efficiency and quality. Our work with Frappe not only speeds up our development processes but also contributes to a growing community of developers and users who benefit from shared knowledge and resources.


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