Case Studies

Revolutionising Chauffeur Services with OneDriver™

A Case Study on HighFlyer’s Collaboration with Chauffeur Solutions (Pvt) Ltd

Transportation Technology
Revolutionising Chauffeur Services with OneDriver™

Key Outcomes

Digital Transformation

Seamless booking, payment, and driver allocation system

Progressive Web App

Cost-effective, user-friendly interface in local languages


At HighFlyer, we are excited to unveil our collaboration with Chauffeur Solutions (Pvt) Ltd, a leading provider of on-demand chauffeur (driver) services in Sri Lanka. Our partnership has given birth to OneDriver™, a cutting-edge software solution that not only digitises the entire process of booking a ride but also manages payments and driver allocations efficiently. This transformation is set to redefine the standards of chauffeur services in Sri Lanka.

How OneDriver™ Works: A Seamless Experience

OneDriver™ simplifies the process of booking a chauffeur-driven ride into a few easy steps:

  1. Call the Hotline: Start by giving the hotline a ring to book your ride.
  2. Secure Your Ride: Confirm your booking with the team.
  3. Booking Confirmation: Await a swift SMS confirming your booking details.
  4. Driver Details: The system will send over your driver's details 30 minutes before your ride starts.
  5. Driver Arrival: Your driver is on the way! You'll receive an SMS once they arrive.
  6. Payment Information: Once the ride concludes, the system will send an SMS with payment information.

Chauffeur Solutions does not own any vehicles; instead, they have a fleet of motorcycles and riders within the Western Province of Sri Lanka. These motorcycles are used by their riders to reach customers and pick them up from the end location after completing the ride.

Staged Implementation: Digital Transformation in Phases

The digital transformation of OneDriver™ is being rolled out in stages:

  • Stage 1 (2023): Focused on digitally transforming the back office, streamlining operations, and setting the groundwork for future advancements.
  • Stage 2 (2024 TBA): Aimed at automating the booking process via a web app, allowing for direct credit card payments and further enhancing the user experience.

Progressive Web App: Cost-Effective and Efficient

We developed OneDriver™ as a Progressive Web App (PWA) to ensure easy updates and minimise costs for our client. This approach eliminates the need for separate app store listings and provides users with the latest features without manual updates. A key highlight of the OneDriver™ PWA is its user interface, which is designed with colloquial Sinhala and Tamil. This makes the app not only easy but also fun to use for drivers, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience. By catering to the local languages and preferences, we've created an app that feels familiar and accessible to its primary users.

The PWA's cost-effectiveness, combined with its user-friendly design, makes OneDriver™ an ideal solution for Chauffeur Solutions' digital transformation journey.

Dual Management Systems: Office and Road

OneDriver™ offers two management systems: a desktop version for office use and a mobile management version for use on the road. This dual approach ensures seamless operations both in the office and in the field. We built this using the Frappe Framework, which gave us the flexibility to build a robust back-end in a shorter period of time. We are thrilled to build innovative products using the Frappe Framework and are proud partners of them.

Training and Empowerment: Elevating the Driving Experience

Chauffeur Solutions is committed to providing top-notch service, which is why they invest in training their drivers to use the OneDriver™ system effectively. This training ensures that every ride is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.


OneDriver™ is set to revolutionise the chauffeur industry in Sri Lanka by providing a seamless, efficient, and convenient service. To learn more about how OneDriver™ is transforming Chauffeur Solutions, visit their website at OneDriver.


154A High Level Road
Nugegoda, 10250
Sri Lanka
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