Case Studies

Streamlining SMS Notification Integration with TextReload™

A Case Study on Building a Seamless SMS Reminder Platform with Frappe Framework

Streamlining SMS Notification Integration with TextReload™

Key Outcomes

4.5 days

for the MVP


invoice categorisation and automatic SMS reminders


HighFlyer is excited to share our latest project, TextReload™, developed in partnership with TextReload Limited in New Zealand (Aotearoa). TextReload™ is an innovative platform designed to streamline the invoicing process by sending automatic SMS reminders. Built using the Frappe Framework, this platform promises to simplify and enhance the invoicing experience for businesses across New Zealand.

The Journey

Rapid Development with Frappe Framework

Our team at HighFlyer leveraged the powerful and flexible Frappe Framework to build the first usable proof of concept (PoC) in just four and a half days. The efficiency and robustness of the Frappe Framework enabled us to quickly deliver a functional system, much to the delight of our Kiwi partners.

A Fun Hurdle

Interestingly, obtaining an SMS gateway in New Zealand took more time than building the initial system! Navigating through local provider options was like trying to find a good flat white in a hurry – it required patience and persistence, but we got there in the end.

The Solution

Multi-Platform Invoicing Integration

TextReload™ is designed to fetch invoicing information from multiple SaaS platforms, adapting to the specific platform each client uses. This flexibility ensures that businesses can seamlessly integrate their existing invoicing systems with TextReload™, without the need for extensive reconfiguration.

Automatic SMS Reminders

The platform sends automatic SMS reminders for invoicing or any other customer requirements. This automation removes the need for New Zealanders to manually set up and manage reminders, reducing hassle and saving valuable time. It also eliminates the need to subscribe to cumbersome SMS plans offered by popular vendors, providing a more straightforward and cost-effective solution.

AI-Powered Invoice Categorisation

One of the standout features of TextReload™ is its ability to automatically categorise invoices into user-defined categories using artificial intelligence. This intelligent automation ensures that all invoices are organised according to the user's preferences, making it easier to track and manage payments.


The development and implementation of TextReload™ have been met with enthusiastic approval. The platform has not only simplified the invoicing process but also enhanced efficiency and accuracy for businesses across New Zealand.

  • Rapid Deployment: The first usable PoC was up and running in just 4.5 days, showcasing the power of the Frappe Framework.
  • Streamlined Operations: Automatic SMS reminders and AI-powered categorisation have significantly reduced manual workload and errors.
  • Cost Savings: Businesses no longer need to invest in complex SMS plans, thanks to the seamless integration and automation provided by TextReload™.


The partnership between HighFlyer and TextReload Limited has resulted in a game-changing platform that revolutionises invoicing for New Zealand businesses. TextReload™ exemplifies how innovative technology and a collaborative spirit can create solutions that are both simple and powerful. With a touch of Kiwi ingenuity and the flexibility of the Frappe Framework, TextReload™ is set to make a lasting impact on the invoicing landscape in Aotearoa.


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